Dead Like Me

If you've never seen it, you should start catching up! I recently came across this series on a commercial/ad somewhere (tv, online, etc) and decided to check it out. It seems it started as a series on Showtime that is now syndicated on the SciFi channel.

After one episode, I was hooked. Although some will likely not find the humor in this show, others will see it. This show is clever and witty and humorous, while at the same time being synical, moody, sometimes dark and twisted. From the episodes I've seen, the show is also thought provoking, encouraging thought about life, circumstance, death, and what comes after.

Oh yeah, you might be wondering what it's about, well here's a high-level. Somewhat angry girl dies oddly and becomes one of several grim reapers. Both she and family left behind have difficulty copping with new situation. Want more? Watch the show on SciFi, currently Tuesdays at 7 and 8 US Eastern time!

You've got to check it out for yourself to really appreciate the cleverness of this show. Give it a try, and enjoy. I told you you would. :)

Note: Having originated on Showtime, there is adult language (f..) at least twice in each episode. The SciFi tv version has been edited (i'm pretty sure), but if you watch the series on DVD it is unedited.